
Friday, May 25, 2012

Crafting for the Wedding

Just poppin' in quickly to let you know what I have been up to for wedding preparations.  Today I busted out some cute garter type things for some champagne glasses that I coworker gave to me to use in my wedding.  They are gorgeous but they have the names Erica and Brian written on them.  I thought people would think it was a little weird for us to have other names on our glasses so I decided to cover up the names...

A little lace, some velvet ribbon and a rhinestone encrusted monogram and boom!  Festive champagne glasses :)  Can I tell you a secret?  I got the "M" from Joann's and they are actually letters that are supposed to go on dog collars.  They were the perfect size and at a dollar a piece, I couldn't resist!

Next up on my to do list was the card box.  There was a teacher's supply store that was going out of business this past January and they had an oval craft box that I snatched up for five bucks.  To be honest, I hadn't shopped around for a card box yet so I don't even know if that was a good price but I got swept up in clearance fever and bought it.  

I only made the bottom purple flower myself.  They others were flowers that I picked up at Joann' guessed it, on clearance.  The big, top flower was a buck and I bought a pack of five small lavender flowers for a buck too.  And you know what???  The wide ivory ribbon was on clearance for two dollars for three yards and the lace was 25 cents a yard!!!!  If you are wondering if I broke the bank on the fabric I covered the box with, do not fear!  That was actually a fabric remnant that was 50% off so I think I paid $10 max for it.  I love a good deal!